Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Language Family Definition and Examples

Language Family Definition and Examples A language family is a set of languages deriving from a common ancestor or parent. Languages with a significant number of common features in phonology, morphology, and syntax are said to belong to the same language family. Subdivisions of a language family are called branches. English, along with most of the other major languages of Europe, belongs to the Indo-European language family. The Number of Language Families Worldwide It is estimated that there are more than 250 established language families in the world, and over 6,800 distinct languages, many of which are threatened or endangered. (Keith Brown and Sarah Ogilvie,  Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the  World. Elsevier Science, 2008) The Size of a Language Family The number of languages that make up a language family varies greatly. The largest African family, Niger-Congo, is estimated to consist of about 1,000 languages and several times as many dialects. Yet there are many languages that do not appear to be related to any other. These single-member language families are referred to as language isolates. The Americas have been more linguistically diversified than other continents; the number of Native American language families in North America has been judged to be more than 70, including more than 30 isolates. (ZdenÄ›k Salzmann, Language, Culture, and Society: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology. Westview Press, 2007) Catolog of Language Families The website ethnologue.com catalogs the worlds 6,909 known living languages. It lists the major language families and their members and tells where they are spoken. The number of speakers of these languages varies from the hundreds of millions whose native tongue is English or Standard Chinese to the relatively small populations who speak some of the rapidly disappearing American Indian languages. (C. M. Millward and Mary Hayes,  A Biography of the English Language, 3rd ed. Wadsworth, 2012) Levels of Classification In addition to the notion of language family, language classification now uses a more complex taxonomy. At the top we have the category of a phylum, i.e. a language group which is unrelated to any other group. The next lower level of classification is that of a (language) stock, a group of languages belonging to different language families which are distantly related to each other. Language family remains a central notion, emphasizing the internal links between the members of such a family. (Renà © Dirven and Marjolyn Verspoor,  Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics. John Benjamins, 2004)​ The Indo-European Language Family Indo-European (IE) is the best-studied language family in the world. For much of the past 200 years more scholars have worked on the comparative philology of IE than on all the other areas of linguistics put together. We know more about the history and relationships of the IE languages than about any other group of languages. For some branches of IEGreek, Sanskrit, and Indic, Latin and Romance, Germanic, Celticwe are fortunate to have records extending over two or more millennia, and excellent scholarly resources such as grammars, dictionaries and text editions that surpass those available for nearly all non-IE languages. The reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) and the historical developments of the IE languages have consequently provided the framework for much research on other language families and on historical linguistics in general. (James Clackson, Indo-European Linguistics: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press, 2007)

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Write a Medical Assistant Resume (with Examples)

How to Write a Medical Assistant Resume (with Examples) Certified medical assistants (CMAs) are some of the most versatile allied health professionals out there. They can work with patients, keep meticulous charts, field phone calls, make sure tools and equipment are sterilized and ready to go for the doctors and nurses, handle copayments and insurance, and make sure the waiting room is tidy and welcomings)How to Write a Perfect Occupational Therapist ResumeHow to Write a Perfect Physician Assistant Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Receptionist Resume (Examples Included)How to Create a Perfect Retail ResumeHow to Write a Perfect Sales Associate Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Social Worker Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Truck Driver Resume (With Examples)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reference Works Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reference Works Report - Assignment Example I therefore read all the encyclopedia’s relating to the kind of search entry that I had entered during the search. During this process I read the overview of the respective books from the library that conforms to the search entries. At this point I noticed and felt that the kind of the information that is provided in the overview was helpful in a given way though should have been a little more inclusive and detailed in their unique way. There were also used as key words, however some of these key words poses difficulty in terms of finding the search results. The most difficult key word I used is eating canned food. This is because it did not give much expected results. The results were limited to certain areas of the research. However, the results gotten on it were mainly relating to and animal feeds. Fishes mongering was the interesting source as it contained in-depth and informed expression of knowledge. It brought into perspective how fishing is done by fishermen and consumed by people world over. I therefore find such an article very much important in doing my research work on canned

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Life Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Life Coaching - Essay Example I have found this just as enjoyable as meditation its almost like a dream except the dream has a mission the phrase 'light at the end of the tunnel' best describes this self hypnosis it also helps eliminate self doubt which is something I experienced coaching my first friends outside of the college duos and trios. However, I found that I felt relaxed when I used self-hypnosis on my second session; I actually trusted the process and what I was doing. I have never tried meditation until I started coaching and I have found it to be a breath of fresh air. Meditation comes from the Latin word meditatio virtually all religions use meditation of some sort; however mediation in it's purest form has no relation to religious meditation. The most effective form of creating space was a technique I learnt from a program I watched called a life coach less ordinary. The program was based around a couple called Nik and Eva Speakman who are life coaches as well as owning a financial services company. Before each session they had a wild dance around their kitchen before their next client. I found that this works for me and has worked well based on the people that I have coached during this course. As they have mostly been sales professionals that are switched on and the very high energy, I have mirror the enthusiasm and upbeat qualities. They usually start with "'what do you want' 'what is impo... Before each session they had a wild dance around their kitchen before their next client. I found that this works for me and has worked well based on the people that I have coached during this course. As they have mostly been sales professionals that are switched on and the very high energy, I have mirror the enthusiasm and upbeat qualities. 3 Techniques used to create inner space with a client: Clearing and Visualisation In virtually every session I have used visualisation this has helped the coach come up with a lot more ideas on their chosen topic. Also before starting a session I like to review the previous one and visualise what was said and with permission touch on it in the first few minutes of rapport building. Asking Powerful Questions This usually has the coachee 100% focussed. I touch on this a lot in my reflective essay, asking thought-provoking questions usually has the coach focused and clearing space is the only option. The Role Of Powerful Questions In The Coaching Process Powerful questions are just that they ask the thought provoking question that either hasn't been thought of or has been pushed to the back of coachee's mind. They usually start with "'what do you want' 'what is important to you' and 'what could stop you achieving this goal' are all examples of powerful questions the first explores the clients goals the second their values and the third any limiting beliefs or other obstructions that need to be overcome" (Joseph O'Connor and Andrea Lages. Coaching with NLP, n.d). The Use Of Powerful Questions Developing and asking power questions is the fulcrum point of your ability to understand the prospects needs (Gitomer, 1994). Power questions are definitive. They bring out that which elicits awakening response

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Physics And Engineering In I.T. Power Management Essay Example for Free

Physics And Engineering In I.T. Power Management Essay The cost of energy continues to increase with shrinking in corporate budgets and need for more energy input. At times like this, even IT industry is affected and the stakeholders are starting to look for new ways of cutting down the cost as they keep the quality of work high and efficiency maximized. Implementation of a good energy policy in an organization’s premises can lead to reduced costs of ICT infrastructural costs in terms of capital required in setting up servers and cooling systems. If the right energy saving and proper utilization habits are adopted and effective construction and installation ideas implemented in natural air flow optimization and proper heat insulation can lead to less cooling facilities requirements, cutting on costs (Greenguard, 2009). Efforts of energy conservation in IT infrastructure have been initiated through: †¢ Technologies like PoE (Power over internet) and midspans; this is a technology that enables gadgets like phones to receive power together with data through the Ethernet connection. Midspans are stand alone gadgets that are used to interface the Ethernet switch with the power sources for optimized power distribution to the ports as required. †¢ Implementation of Smart energy and lighting technology in huge company premises with many workers using ICT equipments. †¢ Efforts of IEEE-the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, to set standards for manufacturers of electronic and electrical gadgets (IEEE 802. 3-at) to ensure optimized energy utilization at the design level. †¢ IT technology in energy auditing and virtualization of power management †¢ Use of Integrated circuits (ICs) to control magnetic and pulse width modulators for external power connection in devices. †¢ Use of Power Source Equipment (PSE) and Power Devices (PD) in network classification during powering of new connections to ensure only PoE connections are powered in wireless and telecom devices. Electrical Power With the introduction of Power over Ethernet (PoE), many electronic devices that work in direct connection with computers through Ethernet cables have shifted from use of external power cables to reception of power together with data on the Ethernet connection. The (IEEE) has established some standards (IEEE 802. 3-at) for such technology, contributing to encouraging the manufactures of electrical and electronic products to contribute in efforts of making ICT infrastructure environment friendly, through less energy consumption. This is a strategy which if adopted can lead to very improved efficiency in power delivery in devices’ interconnection. The manufacturers of such devices, for example Texas Instruments, are manufacturing devices with power capabilities of choosing either to use PoE or switch to standard mode when the option is not available. This is in the effort to become compliant with the IEEE 802. 3-at. Even when PoE is a better option than external cables, a more detailed power saving strategy can be applied through use of midspans, which interface the switches with power sources, injecting power to the ports using way much better technology and hence more efficient. Such consciousness is needed in order to contribute to the overall infrastructure. According to (Conner, 2008), for the manufacturers of the gadgets, the design of PoE can contribute to making of smaller boards and reduce the cost of inputs on large scale. The technology shift there in the physics of electronic gadgets is the replacement of impedance power reduction through dissipation with the magnetic and switching methods in pulse width modulators, controlled through ICs. In efforts to increase power efficiency, the cost of production is also bound to reduce in the long run. The application of PSEs and PDs in network in power control centers gives an option to do power budgets and determine the proper management strategies to be applied. These are such refined levels of control that give the way to streamline and generally control power use. With the current state of globalization in online business, the ICT infrastructure has grown to very complex networks, especially with emergent of mobile devices. Power systems for these networks are as huge as the extents of the networks while management is done manually at physical points of contact. The samples provided in the cases of Highmark and the University of Minnesota (Greenguard, 2009) form a small part of the global business ICT infrastructure that interact with the environment. Educating people/employees A huge effort should go to changing the habits of power use in a working environment. The employees can too contribute to the efforts of a greener ICT infrastructure by ensuring proper use of power. Switching off devices when not in use can help accumulate huge power savings with time. This is not a common thing in most IT departments and will take the initiative of the management to organist fro training of the power users on good use of energy sources. When organization becomes too huge with thousands of employees, energy efficiency becomes a major issue. Such a high number of users of the infrastructure can accumulate a high energy demand and proper management for cost effective and sustainable operation. An example of such a firm is the Highmark with 11000 employees. Energy Computations and Software Virtualization Right from the Physics hardware, the availability of interfacing in ports control to enable remote power on and power off (Ronen, 2009) in PoE makes complex networks manageable. In the Highmark case the Company strategized on extra careful management method on using software technology like energy auditing tools and virtualization as well as new technology in smart energy and lighting systems (Greenguard, 2009). According to the report, there has been increase in need for organizations to use power consuming ICT infrastructure with new technologies to do business as compared to the traditional methods. This has led to ratings of about â€Å"61 billion kilowatt-hours in 2006† by data centers (Greenguard, 2009). The figures could even increase with more ICT use, alarming the corporate to strategize on conservation and efficiency. Owing to this, there have been numerous instances of application of IT solution in power management. Highmark installed a system for collecting rain water and using it in a datacenter cooling system and virtualized the servers to monitor PC usage by employees. This strategy helped adopt the method of remote powering down of equipment not in use, to minimize wastage. The company consulted with IBM to do computations of server spacing for maximum utilization of cooling systems. It appears clearly that many organizations have massive equipments powered up even when not in use because of poor management policy. From these results, it is important to carry each of these computation and software analysis methods with weigh while considering efforts to manage such massive data infrastructures. In many cases, the companies rely on employees to be reliable in implementing the energy conservation policies but even that cannot be enough. If software methods are used to monitor use of powered resources and power them down remotely, a great deal of energy could be saved. A perfect example here is the IT organization of the University of Minnesota which could â€Å"switch off about 25,000 devices each night† (Greenguard, 2009). Conclusion The IT infrastructure comprises of billions of gadgets that use electrical power to operate and network equipment to keep them connected. Power consumption is therefore starts from a single device’s design and connection to the system and spans to the networking level. The physical electronic power consumption can be managed and through standardization methods such as those by IEEE. It is at such low levels that interaction with the environment can be analyzed and energy consumption optimized. The physical arrangement of power consuming data facilities is also of significance importance as clogging them closely together reduces the ability of natural air flow to take care of cooling done by electrical motors in fans. The relationship between IT and these physical sciences is so direct when it comes to practical application fields. The application of software power computation, management and control also helps ICT fit into the practical idea of conservation and greener infrastructure. From the cases analyzed, there is enough evidence that application of technology from the physics and engineering of devices and systems, software tools and ICT infrastructure can be managed in away that can lead to more environment friendly use. References Conner, M. (2008). PoE for high-powered applications. Electronics Weekly, (2263), 18 Retrieved from: http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=truedb=cphAN=36122010loginpage=Login. aspsite=ehost-live Sani Ronen, (2009) Midspans for next-gen PoE,An inside look at technologies and standards, Tech update, Available: www. networkworld. com Samuel Greengard, (2009), Building an Energy-Efficient IT Infrastructure, Baseline Magazine Available: http://www. baselinemag. com

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Imperialism and Colonialism Essay -- Imperialism produces colonialism

Imperialism has been noted to be practice of foreign rule in a context of hierarchy and subordination, which can eventually lead to the formation of an empire. Imperialism refers directly to the enhancement of power and military superiority. At the time when developed nations were colonizing less developed nations around the 1870s, the age of Imperialism began. Referring to the time were nations such as the United States, Germany, and Japan began to employ imperialist doctrines to their governance, yet imperialist tendencies had been around for centuries. Even before imperialism there was mercantilism, and colonialism, which consisted of an extension of a nation's sovereignty over territory and people outside its own boundaries, to facilitate economic domination over their resources, labor, and markets. As well, the arrival of traders, settlers, and the establishment of governing systems, which reinforced the â€Å"peripheral† status of colonies. (power point source). There are also different phases of imperialism, there is high imperialism, which corresponds to the industrial revolution, and the second phase includes the use of new industrial power, creating high level of rivalry between high industrial powers. Imperial powers would ally themselves and aim their efforts in securing the territory, creating a new form of power, Imperialism being an imposition. Asia produces the majority of all the goods in the world, to go from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy through a surplus, that can later be used for industrial investments Triangular trade Patterns of imperial territorial acquisition A brief non-Eurocentric history: China, the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Peninsula. Imperialism is part of the essential nature ... ...tp://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/Mercantilism.html>. Cannan, Edwin. "Smith: Wealth of Nations." Library of Economics and Liberty. Google. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. . "Mercantilism." WNEC FACULTY/STAFF HOME PAGES. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. . Koebner, Richard. "Imperialism: The Story and Significance." Google Books. Google. Web. 02 Apr. 2015. Emerson, Rupert. "Journal of Contemporary History." Http://iiiprxy.library.miami.edu:2086/stable/259788?seq=2. Web. 03 Apr. 2015. Patrick, O'Brien. Mercantilism and Imperialism in the Rise and Decline of the Dutch and British Economies 1585-1815. 4th ed. Vol. 148. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Who was the Real Monster? Frankenstein

The monster rose from the table. He stared at the creature whom he had created, then ran away in terror. He ran away because the monster looked nothing like anything he had ever seen before; it was monstrous and utterly terrifying. He thought it would harm him as monsters are commonly portrayed to do. What would any human do in a situation like that? Prejudice is not an emotion in itself; it is an offshoot of fear. He feared the monster, which is why he acted out of prejudice and judged the monster simply based on its appearance. Prejudice is an opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge based often on physical appearance.In Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, readers often ask who the real monster is. Is it the monster himself for looking like a monster and killing many innocent people? Or is it Victor for creating such a terrible monster? The answer is neither. When examined closely, it becomes clear that the real monster in Mary Shelley’s novel is prejudice. Becau se of prejudice, Victor is scared of his own creation and disowns the monster. Because of prejudice, everybody is scared of the monster and never even gives him a chance to get to know them simply because of the way he looks. Because of prejudice, the monster kills his first victim.The prejudice against the monster is so great that it even convinces the monster himself that he is a monster and is not worthy of life. There are no characters in Frankenstein that are truly monsters; the only real monster is the prejudice instilled in these characters who do bad things. Victor Frankenstein created the monster with good intentions. In fact, he â€Å"had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation. . . † (Shelley 43). When the monster awoke, Victor feared his own creation. Victor prejudges his creation because he fears what it is capable of and runs away.Victor expresses his fear of his creation when he says, â€Å". . . but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dr eam vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room†¦ † (Shelley 43). Victor thought that the monster would be beautiful and amazing, but upon seeing that the monster did not turn out the way he had expected it to, Victor becomes scared and acts out of prejudice, leaving the room. After Victor leaves the room and retreats to his bed chamber, he awakes from his sleep and beholds the monster.Victor automatically becomes frightened and flees the room, thinking that the monster would harm him. Remember, prejudice is an opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge based often on physical appearance. Victor’s prejudice is evident when he says: I beheld the wretch- the miserable monster whom I had created. He held up the curtain of the bed; and his eyes, if eyes they may be called, were fixed on me. His jaws opened, and he muttered some inarticulate sounds, while a grin wrinkle d his cheeks. He might have spoken, but I did not hear; one hand was stretched out, seeming to detain me, but I escaped and rushed downstairs (Shelley 44).Simply the words that Victor uses to describe the monster, whom he does not even know, are terrible! Victor calls the monster â€Å"wretch† and calls his mouth â€Å"jaws† as if the monster is some type of animal. The monster even tries to speak to Victor, but Victor does not listen to what the monster has to say because Victor becomes scared of the monster based only on the way he looks. This is a clear example of prejudice. The monster reaches out an arm and, unknowing of what the monster will even do, Victor assumes that the monster is trying to â€Å"detain† him, but he â€Å"escaped and rushed downstairs†.Certainly, Victor’s behaviour is not commendable; however, his actions are a result of his prejudice alone. Not only does Victor prejudge the monster only based on the way he looks, everybo dy the monster meets prejudges him and is scared of him. In the monsters first encounter with a man, the man â€Å"turned on hearing a noise, and perceiving [the monster], he shrieked loudly, and quitting the hut, ran across the fields with a speed of which his debilitated form hardly appeared capable† (Shelley 93).The man sees the monster and, without saying a word, automatically pre judges the monster to be dangerous based only on the way he looks then â€Å"[runs] across the fields with a speed of which his debilitated form hardly appear[s] capable†. The man did not appear to be a bad man. In fact, his breakfast â€Å"consisted of bread, cheese, milk. . . † (Shelley 93) just like any other normal man. This man is not a monster for treating the monster poorly, it is clearly the prejudice instilled in him when he is overcome by fear that makes him run away from the monster.Upon the monsters second encounter with a human, he enters a house and sees a family who also prejudges him based only on the way he looks. The monster â€Å"had hardly placed [his] foot within the door before the children shrieked, and one of the women fainted† (Shelley 94). The people do not even give the monster a chance to speak. They do not even have the slightest clue what his personality is like. But, they prejudge him and automatically assume that he is a harmful person based only on the way he looks.Some of the villagers even â€Å"attacked [the monster], until, grievously bruised by stones and many other kinds of missile weapons, [the monster] escaped to the open country. . . † (Shelley 94). Certainly, the people of the village do seem like monsters, attacking the monster and hitting him with stones. But, the villagers are not the true monsters. They are simply scared for the lives of their families, so they act out of prejudice and without even giving the monster a chance to present himself, they chase him away unwilling to give him a chance bec ause they do not trust somebody who is so horrific looking.It is clear here that it is solely the prejudice in them and nothing else that makes them drive the monster out of the village. Upon his third encounter with humans, the monster is living in a hovel that is joined to a cottage. Through a hole the monster sees the inside of the cottage and learns about the family that consisted of: a blind father, an unhappy son, and a sweet innocent daughter. The monster becomes attached to the family and â€Å"when they were unhappy, [the monster] felt depressed; when they rejoiced, [the monster] sympathized in their joys† (Shelley 100).The monster does everything he can to help the family out while remaining hidden. In fact â€Å"[the monster] often took [the son’s] tools, the use of which [the monster] quickly discovered, and brought home firing sufficient for the consumption of several days† (Shelley 99). The family was very happy about this, and â€Å"when [the dau ghter] opened the door in the morning, appeared greatly astonished on seeing a great pile of wood on the outside† (Shelley 99). Had the family found out that it had been some ordinary man helping them out, they would have thanked him and greeted him with joy.But, when the family saw the monster, â€Å"Agatha fainted, and Safie, unable to attend to her friend, rushed out of the cottage. Felix darted forward and with supernatural force tore [the monster] from his father. . . † (Shelley 123). It is clearly evident here that prejudice is the real monster in Frankenstein. The old man is blind, and upon meeting the monster he does not run away, or faint, or attack the monster. The old man greets the monster and treats him just as he would treat anyone else. Remember, prejudice is an opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge based on appearance.The old man is blind so he could not prejudge based on the monster’s appearance however, Agatha, Safie, and Felix all see the monster and prejudge him based on his appearance alone; thus acting out of prejudice. The old man could not prejudge, which is why he did not treat the monster poorly. Again, it is clearly evident here that the people are not truly monsters; it is the prejudice in them that makes them behave badly. Throughout the novel, the monster is treated poorly because of prejudice.Ironically, he also kills his first victim: William, because of prejudice. At first sight, the monster says that William was â€Å"a beautiful child, who came running into the recess [the monster] had chosen, with all sportiveness of infancy† (Shelley 131). However, upon hearing that the child’s â€Å"papa is a syndic- he is M. Frankenstein. . . † (Shelley 131), the monster â€Å"grasped [William’s] throat to silence him, and in a moment he lay dead at [the monster’s] feet† (Shelley 131). This clearly shows the monster’s actions are a result of his prejudice toward s his creator.Because he finds out that the William’s father is M. Frankenstein, he prejudges William to be just like Victor Frankenstein- the monster’s creator, and takes William’s innocent life. The prejudice against the monster is so great, that it convinces even the monster himself, that he is a monster! The monster’s creator, Victor, is prejudice towards him. The family the monster loves and cares for greatly is also prejudice towards him. Every single human other than the blind man who could not be prejudice, is prejudice towards the monster!Even a pure innocent child like William is prejudice towards the monster! It is absolutely clear through all of these examples, that prejudice is the real monster in Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein. Prejudice is still evident in today’s world, with major issues such as racism, as well as events in the past such as the Holocaust. In her novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley warns readers about prejudic e, and it is important that people are not prejudice in their lives today so that all tragedy can be avoided.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Case Study of Karen

Case study – KAREN This assignment is about Karen Lee who comes for personal counseling. As a therapist I use two theories (Psychoanalytic Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy) separately to help her in solving her problem. Psychoanalytic therapy, basic assumption of human nature: Psychoanalytic treatment is highly individualized and seeks to show how the unconscious factors affect behavior patterns, relationships, and overall mental health.Treatment traces the unconscious factors to their origins, shows how they have evolved and developed over the course of many years, and subsequently helps individuals to overcome the challenges they face in life (National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis, 1998). As a therapy, psychoanalysis is based on the concept that individuals are unaware of the many factors that cause their behavior and emotions.These unconscious factors have the potential to produce unhappiness, which in turn is expressed through a score of distinguishab le symptoms, including disturbing personality traits, difficulty in relating to others, or disturbances in self-esteem or general disposition (American Psychoanalytic Association, 1998). In An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Freud (1949) explains the principal tenets on which psychoanalytic theory is based 1. human behavior and thinking are largely determined by irrational drives; 2. those drives are largely not conscious; 3. ttempt to bring those drives into awareness meets defense (resistance) in many different forms; 4. beside the inherited constitution of personality, one's development is determined by events in early childhood; 5. conflicts between conscious view of reality and unconscious (repressed) material can result in mental disturbances such as neurosis, neurotic traits, anxiety, depression etc. ; 6. the liberation from the effects of the unconscious material is achieved through bringing this material into the consciousness Freud begins with an explanation of the three forces of the psychical apparatus–the id, the ego, and the superego.The id has the quality of being unconscious and contains everything that is inherited, everything that is present at birth, and the instincts (Freud, 1949). The ego has the quality of being conscious and is responsible for controlling the demands of the id and of the instincts, becoming aware of stimuli, and serving as a link between the id and the external world. In addition, the ego responds to stimulation by either adaptation or flight, regulates activity, and strives to achieve pleasure and avoid displeasure (Freud, 1949).Finally, the superego, whose demands are managed by the id, is responsible for the limitation of satisfactions and represents the influence of others, such as parents, teachers, and role models, as well as the impact of racial, societal, and cultural traditions (Freud, 1949). Psychoanalysis fostered interest in human emotional and psychological development traced back to a young age. The human can be seen from a much more holistic viewpoint as one looks at the psychoanalytic theory, which combines the inner workings of the mind and attempts to explain them in the context of a dynamic social environment.Karen-cade study The focus is on how Karen’s childhood experiences create an internalized interpersonal model for relationships. The treatment plan is based on a three-pointed outline: 1. The Problem list 2. Problem Formulation 3. Intervention Karen reports general dissatisfaction of her life, she feels some panic over reaching the age of 39, She has been troubled with a range of psychosomatic complaints including sleep disorders, anxiety, dizziness, heart palpitation, and headaches. She often feels depressed, and she is concern about loosing her looks with her overweight and aging.According to the psychoanalytic theory, the focus is on bringing unconscious to the conscious. Karen case study shows she has repressed. She never wants anything for herself and she typic ally lived up to what other in her life wanted for her. Karen’s gender-role identification was fraught with difficulties. She learned the basis of female-male relationships through her early experiences with her parents. What she saw, was her father as a distant, authoritarian and rigidperson that every actions of her father should never be questioned and everyone should obey his standard and rules.She remembers her mother who was supportive but critical and Karen thought the she would never do enough to please her. She generalized this pattern through her life. It could be further hypothesized that the man be married was similar to her father, and she used her mother as a role model by becoming a homemaker. In a critical incident took place when she was 6 years old, her father caught her during â€Å"playing doctor† with an 8-years-old boy. She reports â€Å"He lectured me and refused to speak me for week. I felt extremely guilty and ashamed. † She repressed he r own emerging sexuality and carried the feeling of guilt into her adolescence.She was not allowed to date until she completed high school. She married the first person she had dated. It could be further hypothesized that she lived up to what othersin her life wanted for her and she generalized it to relation with her children, it’s very difficult for her to cope herself with children’s rebellion especially about her daughter, Jane. She is not satisfied with her husband relationships, and she is anxious over the prospects of challenging this relationship, fearing that she does, she might end up alone. In a general sense, psychoanalytic case formulations always have interpersonal foundations.These foundations are built from repeated child-caretaker interactions, subsequently internalized, and later manifest themselves in clients’ daily live. Consequently Karen’s depressive and anxiety symptoms are traced to early childhood interpersonal experiences andobse rvedduring her life. According to the Karen’s presenting problem and psychological history, her intervention package can be as follow: 1. to motivate her for therapy 2. to reduce her anxiety 3. to emphasize on primacy on self-experience which help her to improve her self-esteem â€Å"Typical change process in psychoanalytic therapy includes four parts: 1.Cognitive insight (usually a repeating maladaptive interpersonal pattern) 2. Practice in detecting maladaptive   mental and interpersonal patterns 3. Creating new and more satisfying interpersonal experiences† 4. Internalization of new and more satisfying interpersonal experiences (John Sommers1957) As I told before, the goal is to† bring unconscious to conscious and it’s not limited to solving problem and learning new behaviors, there is a deeper probing into the past to develop the level of self-understanding that is assumed to be necessary for change in character. (Corey 2009) During therapy, therapis t explores some of these questions with Karen: â€Å"What did you do when you felt unloved in the childhood? As a child what did you do with your negative feelings? Could you express your rage, hostility, hurt, and fears? What effects did your relationship with mother and father have on you? What did this teach you about all women and men? Brought into the here and now of the transference relationship, questions might include â€Å"When you have felt anything like this with me? and What are you learning from our relationship about how relationship with women or men might go?As she comes to understand how she has been shaped by these past experiences, she is increasingly able to exert control over her present functioning. Many of Karen’s fear become conscious, and then her energy does not have to remain fixed on defending herself from unconscious feelings instead, she can decision about her current life. † (Corey 2009) Cognitive behavior therapy, basic assumption of hu man nature: Human nature as believed by my theoretical approach is that we are all capable of loving, happiness, and even self-actualization, however, we also have tendencies toward self-destruction, self-blame, intolerance, and perfectionism.Because we are the inclination to think rationally and irrationally, the theory believe that we can train ourselves to refuse to become upset and resist irrational thoughts by repeating relational thoughts to ourselves and we have capacity to change by choosing to react differently to situations. Ellis assumes that we are self-taking, self-evaluating and self-sustaining. We develop emotional and behavioral difficulties when we mistake simple preferences (desires for love, approval, success).Ellis again affirms that we have an inborn tendency toward growth and actualization, yet we often sabotage our movement toward growth due to self-defeating patterns we have learned. (Ellis, 1999). Although, irrational beliefs can be learned from significant others, human beings are believed to create irrational dogmas and superstitions by themselves and reinforce self-defeating beliefs by the process of autosuggestion and self-repetition and by behaving as if they are useful. Therefore, it is our own indoctrinated irrational thoughts that keep dysfunctional attitudes alive and operative within us. Karen- case studyIn assessment of problem, behaviorally she acts defensive, avoids eye contact, speaks rapidly, and fidgets constantly with her clothes. She lives with her husband and her three children but, generally she is not satisfied of her life. Emotionally she feels unsecure and unappreciated in her relation with her husband and her children, she has experienced some of specific problems such as anxiety, sleep disorder, panic attacks and depression. In cognition area she fears about aging, she fears of not succeeding in professional world and worries about how becoming more professionally involved might threat her family.She concerns a bout losing her children. She is anxious over the prospects of changing the relationships with her husband, fearing if she does, she might end up alone. After assessment of the problem, the intervention package focused on the following: 1. To motivate the patient for therapy 2. To prepare Karen to deal with and face phobic situations she avoided due to anxiety 3. To reduce her anxiety 4. To reduce inferiority complex and increase self-esteem 5. To modify her negative thoughtsTherapist helps client to understand how to change irrational thoughts to rational thoughts and teach her positive thinking and consideration of positive data in critical situation. Therapist pays more attention to the present time and focuses on causes of client’s discomfort in present time. In Karen’s case the most reason and greatest catalyst that triggered her to come for therapy is the increase of her physical symptoms and anxiety. Karen’s therapist should focuses on helping her in defi ning the particular areas that Karen would like to change after completing this assessment.They work together and make a plan for treatment. Therapist helps Karen to understand the purposes of her behaviors and then teach her about how the therapy sessions can help her to reach her goals. CBT helps Karen to understand that she is responsible for his own life and she should b active. According to the case study, she completed a course in introduction to counseling, that encouraged her to have a look at the direction of her life and she took an honest look at her life. Karen finds wondering what she should want and what she should be doing.It shows that she is aware of her life and she wants to change but she fears and she doesn’t know exactly what she wants. Therapist should help her to understand in which area she wants to change. The first things that she wants now, is being successful in her professional world. Therapist uses questioning process to develop a picture of her difficulties. Karen’s concrete aims include her craving to function professionally without being tense and worry about every little thing in her life. As a practice, therapist asks Karen to keep a record of when she feels tense or worry and what events make these feelings.Karen indicates that she worries about her right to think and act selfishly. Behavioral skills therapy is good for her because she has trouble talking with her family. This procedure includes modeling, roleplaying and behavior rehearsal. Then she tries more effective behaviors with her therapist who plays the role of herfamily members and then gives feedback how strong or apologetic she seemed. Karen’s anxiety about her relationship with her husband can also be explored using behavior rehearsal (in case that therapist is male). The therapist plays as her Karen’s husband, Tim.She practices being the way she would like to be with Tim and says the things to her therapist that she might be afraid t o say to her husband. During this rehearsal, Karen can explore her fears, get feedback on the effects of her behavior, and experiment with more assertive behavior. Next, she is requires to list down her specific fears. Karen identifies her greatest fear is not able to function both professionally and responsibility to her family if she branches out. The least fearful situation she identifies is concerning over aging and her â€Å"looks†.Before moving into this simulated situation/ role play techniques, the therapist first does some systematic desensitization on Karen’s fear items hierarchy. Karen then begins repeated, systematic exposure to items she finds frightening, beginning at the bottom of the fear hierarchy. She continues with repeated exposure to the next fear hierarchy item when exposure to the previous item no longer makes Karen anxious. Part of the process involves exposure exercises for practice in various situations away from the therapy office. The goal o f the therapy is to help Karen modify the behavior that results in her feelings of guilt and anxiety.By learning more appropriate coping behavior, eliminating unrealistic anxiety and guilt, and acquiring more adaptive responses, Karen’s presenting symptoms decrease, and he reports a greater degree of satisfaction. As a conclusion according to Karen’s problems, a combination of cognitive, emotional and behavioral approaches (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) is effective and is the first choice of treatment for her anxiety and depression although, there are a number of ways in which common treatment elements for anxiety and depression may facilitate symptom reduction in both disorders. The cognitive restructuring skills typically employed in CBT provide patients with skills to identify, evaluate, and modify maladaptive negative thinking styles more generally. †(Michael W. Otto   2010) References †¢ Freud, S. (1949). An outline of psychoanalysis. New York: Norton. †¢Gerald Corey. (2009). Theory and Practice of Counseling Psychology. USA: Brooks/Cole †¢ Jesse H. wright, Monica Ramirez, Michael E. Thase. (2006). Learning Cognitive Behavior Therapy . USA: American Psychiatric Publishing. †¢ Judith S. Beck. (2011). Cognitive Behavior Therapy basics and beyond.New York: Guilford Press †¢ John Sommers, Rita Sommers. (1957). Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories. USA: John Wiley and Sons. †¢ Keith S. Dobson. (2010). Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. New York:Guilford Press †¢ Michael W. Otto, Stefan G. Hofman. (2010). Avoiding Treatment Failure in the Anxiety Disorders. USA: Springer †¢William. T. O’Donohue, Jane E. fisher. (2008). Cognitive Behavior Therapy. New York: John wiley. †¢ American Psychoanalytic Association (1998, January 31). About psychoanalysis  [WWW document]. Retrieved on 12 June 2012 from http://www. apsa. org/pubinfo/about. htm

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Constitutional Issues essays

Constitutional Issues essays The Jane Hodgson v Minnesota case revolved around a State law whereby a woman below 18 could not obtain an abortion until 48 hours after her parents had been notified (Legal Information Institute 1990). Exceptions were if the woman was a victim of family abuse or neglect; a court of competent jurisdiction allowed her to proceed upon presentation of evidence that she was "mature and capable of mature consent;" and if the abortion was to her best interests. Concerned sectors filed a complaint at the District Court that the statute violated the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment. The District Court declared the statute completely unconstitutional and enjoined that it be so enforced. The District Court found that requiring the notification of both effects on both the woman and her parents if the latter were divorced or separated or the family was dysfunctional. It agreed that the minor could bypass the two-parent requirement because of its tediousness and the ensuing loss of privacy, and, therefore, did not further the interests of the State in protecting the welfare of the woman. It also held that the 48- hour delay, in many cases, entailed significant risk involved in the securing of an abortion. It ruled that the permission of one parent was sufficient to serve the interests of the State in the case of normally functioning families, where the decision of one parent would be presumed to be in the best interests of the minor and the State would not question the decision of that one parent. It also noted that there were thousands of dysfunctional families affected by the two-parent requirement, which was an "oddity" among state consent provisions. The Court of Appeals, however, reversed the District Court's verdict affirmed the original State statute. It pointed to three separate but constitutional issues on the two-parent requirement and the ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

4 Facts About Native American Reservations

4 Facts About Native American Reservations The term Indian reservation refers to the ancestral territory still occupied by a Native American nation. While there are approximately 565 federally recognized tribes in the U.S., there are only about 326 reservations. This means that almost one-third of all currently federally recognized tribes have lost their land bases as a result of colonization. There were well over 1,000 tribes in existence prior to the formation of the U.S., but many faced extinction due to foreign diseases or were simply not politically recognized by the U.S. Initial Formation Contrary to popular opinion, reservations are not lands given to Indians by the United States government. Quite the opposite is true; land was given to the U.S. by the tribes through treaties. What are now reservations is the land retained by the tribes after the treaty-based land cessions (not to mention other mechanisms by which the U.S. seized Indian lands without consent). Indian reservations are created in one of three ways: By treaty, by executive order of the president, or by an act of Congress. Land in Trust Based on federal Indian law, Indian reservations are lands held in trust for tribes by the federal government. This problematically means that the tribes technically do not own title to their own lands, but the trust relationship between tribes and the U.S. dictates that the U.S. has a fiduciary responsibility to administer and manage the lands and resources to the best advantage of the tribes. Historically, the U.S. has failed miserably in its management responsibilities. Federal policies have led to massive land loss and gross negligence in resource extraction on reservation lands. For example, uranium mining in the southwest has led to dramatically increased levels of cancer in the Navajo Nation and other Pueblo tribes. The mismanagement of trust lands has also resulted in the largest class-action lawsuit in U.S. history known as the Cobell case; it was settled after 15 years of litigation by the Obama Administration. Socioeconomic Realities Generations of lawmakers have recognized the failures of federal Indian policy. These policies have consistently resulted in the highest levels of poverty and other negative social indicators compared to all other American populations, including substance abuse, mortality rates, education, and others. Modern policies and laws have sought to promote independence and economic development on the reservations. One such law- the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988- recognizes the rights of Native Americans to operate casinos on their lands. While gaming has produced an overall positive economic effect in Indian country, very few have realized significant wealth as a result of casinos. Cultural Preservation Among the outcomes of disastrous federal policies is the fact that most Native Americans no longer live on reservations. Its true that reservation life is very difficult in some ways, but most Native Americans that can trace their ancestry to a particular reservation tend to think of it as home. Native Americans are place-based people; their cultures are reflective of their relationship to the land and their continuity on it, even when they have endured displacement and relocation. Reservations are centers of cultural preservation and revitalization. Even though the process of colonization has resulted in much loss of culture, much is still retained as Native Americans have adapted to modern life. Reservations are places where traditional languages are still spoken, where traditional arts and crafts are still created, where ancient dances and ceremonies are still performed, and where origin stories are still told. They are in a sense the heart of America-a connection to a time and place that reminds us how young America really is.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ethical and Socially Responsive Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical and Socially Responsive Business - Essay Example This enables the restaurant to maintain high social and ethical standards in the society where it carries out its business. This implies the restaurant must be accountable for the negative effects of its operations on the government, suppliers, consumers, the civil rights groups and churches within a given jurisdiction. The restaurant is committed to safeguarding the environment from pollution from its own business. Moreover, it has embarked on the creation of good social relations with the society around its location in order to gain an understanding and gather information on the impact of the restaurant’s activities on the social environment (Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc, 2). This restaurant is known to incorporate its stakeholders in the decision making process. This gives the community a chance to give a credible contribution with regard to the restaurant’s social responsibility. Social responsibility has enabled the restaurant to have strong influence within its loc ality given its participation in provision of externalities to the society. The restaurant code of conduct with regard to insider information applies to its business. The activities of this restaurant are many given its competitive advantage as a food industry leader. The entity receives credit from various customers but insider information must be kept the restaurant’s secret all the time. This enables the restaurant to access financial aid. Moreover, this serves as a sales and marketing technique because a financially stable enterprise is considered favorable when its success strategies are not exposed. According to Carroll and Ann, compliance to the safeguarding of insider information requirement contributes in the market liberalization hence enabling the consumers to make informed decisions (38). It is involved in the handling of consumer issues. This has made many consumers and other stakeholders to identify with the restaurant hence outstanding performance in the sellin g of its foodstuffs. Moreover, the code of conduct pertaining to harassment and sexual abuse of women ensures that women are protected and appreciated hence female customers of Chipotle restaurant have increased. This has increased the overall returns of the restaurant (Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc, 2). The anti-discrimination regulation anchored in the code is also relevant in the running of this restaurant. This offers the customers protection against any intimidation based on race or tribe hence increasing the restaurant revenue. Hancock asserts that anti-discrimination gives the stakeholders of the restaurant concerned an assurance of the safety of their resources (67). The requirement of the code pertaining to sexual harassment also boosts the customer relationship within the restaurant given that women feel more secure and accommodated. This boosts the revenue because of the influx of many ladies into the restaurant. Integrity is another aspect which is vital in the restaurant. This aspect has a high correlation to thrive in the restaurant business. The workforce must act in utmost good faith at all times in order to realize favorable performance results at the end of the financial period of the restaurant. The management also must exhibit transparency and good stewardship of the economic resources entrusted to them by the stakeholders. According to Carroll and Ann compliance to this requirement results in productivity and